
As your representative, I will work to allocate funding for much needed transportation projects in the 24th District that will improve safety and travel on all of our roads and highways.
I-75 needs to be widened to six lanes between Cleveland and Ooltewah. Also, truck climbing lanes are needed on White Oak Mountain. More than 60,000 vehicles travel this stretch of four-lane interstate every day, including many trucks. It has long been operating over its design capacity, causing congestion and safety hazards and endangering motorists. As your representative, I will work to ensure that this much-needed improvement becomes a top priority.
Education and Job Training

I believe there is great dignity in work. People receive a sense of satisfaction from hard work and achievement. Good jobs with livable wages will prevent a lot of problems. Whether in high school, vocational school, or college, the purpose of education should be to prepare people to go participate in the economy and support themselves and their families.
As your representative, I will support educational policies that lead from school to work. Most good-paying jobs do not require a college education, but they do require specialized training and life skills. We need education and job training programs that lead people to getting a job and keeping a job.
Public Safety, Emergency Services, and Courts
I will support improved compensation and training for police and emergency services personnel. Our goal should be to retain experienced professionals in our public safety departments. My undergraduate degree in criminal justice, as well as my legal training, gives me unique insight into these crucial public services. I am familiar with the wide range of issues and dangers confronted by law enforcement and emergency services every day.
Our courts face an ever-increasing caseload, resulting in delayed justice and overworked judges and staff. My training and experience will help me address these challenges and develop solutions.
Freedom and Liberty
I will protect and defend the First and Second amendments to the U.S. Constitution, as well as all of the other amendments. I will also protect and defend the entire constitution of the United States and the State of Tennessee. The rule of law is a cornerstone of our nation. I will work hard to protect life, liberty, family, and property rights. Faith and families working together builds a stronger community. I pledge to support policies that will strengthen our communities and support the rule of law in Tennessee.
Health and Healthcare
The cost of healthcare continues to increase rapidly, leaving more and more people unable to afford basic necessities. In addition, many in our community have been harmed by the opioid and prescription drug abuse epidemic. We need a strategy to stop this. Our education system needs to promote healthy decisions and lifestyles. We must improve mental health services. Mental health issues impact our courts, schools, jails, and justice system. I will strive for policies that control healthcare costs and improve services for those in need.
Veterans and Military
In Tennessee, we strongly support our veterans and servicemembers and value their sacrifices. I am very familiar with the challenges faced by our veterans. My uncle was on a troop transport ship that was torpedoed in the North Atlantic during World War II. He was one of the fortunate few to survive. My father-in-law flew a fighter plane in Europe during World War II, escorting bombers and attacking enemy aircraft. On his final mission, he was shot down, but managed to land his burning plane and was able to escape the enemy. As a young boy, I saw several friends of our family go to Vietnam, and the negative effects that war had on them.
In my law practice, I have represented many veterans. I have learned a lot from them. I know what they have sacrificed, and will always be a strong advocate for the needs of our veterans.